What Causes Shanks In The Golf Swing?

What Causes Shanks In The Golf Swing?

The most dreadful thing a golfer can experience is a shank. It ruins the confidence and makes people think that you are not experienced enough to play golf. 

Shanks are often the result of a golf ball hitting an object on its way to being hit by your club. A shank occurs when it impacts with one side rather than directly in line with where you’re swinging, which causes most balls to be shot off at 45 degrees angle from what would be expected based on gravity alone.

A shank can happen when someone swings down with their right arm while their left foot forward which causes them to turn slightly so that the open toe side becomes upper. 

In order to hit the ball squarely, your swing path should be neither too far from inside nor over-the-top. If you slice or draw a lot, then this is because it’s coming off an angle instead and not caused by something as simple as where on the clubface at impact does one face his/her clubs?

The Reasons

  1. Position From The Ball

The first thing to check when preparing for your next golf swing is how close or far away from the ball you are standing. If it’s too close, then a spine angle will be lost, and hitting an open-faced shank may result; if not enough room farther back in time can make all the difference between landing on solid ground instead of tilting off into thin air like this poor guy.

  1. Unstable Grip

If you have a bad grip your ball can shank and make you embarrassed in front of people. So the most important thing to consider is to keep a firm hand and don’t get an unstable grip.

  1. Swing Path

The most common golf shank cause relates to the swing path. Most players know that an outside-to-inside trajectory is ideal, but this knowledge and desire for power make them whip off on the inside in their takeaway

  1. Hand Moving Far Away From The Body

The shanks are caused by a condition known as “pre-contact.” When the clubface comes in contact with the ball before you’ve swung, this can cause your strikes to end up closer and farther from where they should be. You want to avoid moving too far away from your body during downswing so that there will only ever be a force going towards the target on both sides of the impact point – which means less weariness.

As sad shanks are, they can be avoided easily by maintaining certain precautions. To learn more about golf and golf-related terms and queries, click here